$6,667 of $6,667 raised
4 Donations
Donation Activity
About the Cause
Posted by Iglesia de Cristo La Hermosa in Guatemala on 04/28/2021
The children in our community love to smile and have a joy that radiates out of them. Unfortunately though, almost all the children in our community have dental issues because they don’t have access to routine dental care. The poor nutrition and poor water quality also affects the condition of the youth. We have seen that this causes many dental complications that affect our children’s self-esteem. We see the beauty in the smiles of these children, and we want them to feel confident when they smile. As a solution to this problem, we raised some funds to do dental checks for the children, but so many children signed up that we did not have enough funds to pay for all of them. Our church was able to pay for 8-10 kids to have dental checkups, and we are hoping that you will join us to raise enough for 50 more children! We plan to choose the 50 children in the community with the worst dental problems and use these funds to pay for their dental care. We’ll put aside a cost of around Q1,000 (~$130 USD) per child. We may not be able to completely solve their dental problems but we can address their urgent needs and prevent further damage. Would you consider paying for the cost of one of these children? With 50 supporters doing that, we could reach our goal and provide the dental care to the children within 3-4 months! We are excited to share photos of the children and their happy smiles after they receive dental care.
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