Building Sinks for Kids
Disease prevention through hygiene for young people and children
$2,315 of $2,315 raised
9 Donations
Donation Activity
Completion of construction of sinks and cleaning area
Date Posted: 05/08/2023
The administrative staff and volunteers express their gratitude to the people who contributed to the cause of the construction of sinks and cleaning area in the "Jesús El Buen Pastor". The project came to favor in a visible way the improvement in the health of the beneficiaries to maintain hygiene after, before and after eating their food in the study area, with this, illnesses in the beneficiary will be avoided.
About the Cause
Posted by Iglesia Centroamericana Jesus el Buen Pastor in Guatemala on 09/21/2022
We want to build a sink for children to wash their hands, and improve the entire sink area. The sink will be of different height for each age group (2 or 3 sinks, short, medium and high) or (5.50 meters x 75 cm wide). The current sinks are in very poor condition and water accumulates in them. The sinks are also too high and young children cannot reach them. It will take us 6 months to complete the project once funds are available. Our church serves 341 children, church members and neighbors. Youth and children from the church educational community need a sink for the purpose of washing their hands before consuming their food. They also need a cleaning area that will allow volunteers to clean utensils to keep our educational community facilities clean while participants remain in church facilities. This project will impact disease prevention and improve the health and quality of life of young people and children participating in the educational community.
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