$3,159 of $3,159 raised
4 Donations
Donation Activity
Completion of technology for 6 classrooms
Date Posted: 05/08/2023
The administrative staff and volunteer staff of Jesús El Buen Pastorá, wholeheartedly thank those who contributed to make possible the installation of televisions in 6 classrooms, the project allows content to be presented of the classes that the tutors develop to keep the attention of the beneficiaries in the development of the contents in achieving the proposed objectives, in which they have a relationship with God, their physical well-being and agents of change and to make them self-sufficient.
About the Cause
Posted by Iglesia Centroamericana Jesus el Buen Pastor in Guatemala on 04/28/2021
Because of the pandemic our church has not been able to have students learning in person. We also know that once we can have students back, they will need to be social distanced in their classrooms. Because of this, we have a dream to equip 6 of our classrooms with technology that would enable our teachers to share curriculum digitally with students. Our dream is to have each of the 6 classrooms have a Smart TV as well as a tablet. Each classroom could have six children in person with the teacher, and then we could film and reproduce the class digitally for more students. Our child development center has 341 students, and technology is the only way we can serve all of them in a safe way post-COVID. We are requesting funds for 6 Samsung Smart TVs, 6 Smart TV wall mounts, and 6 Samsung tablets. Our church is passionate about this project and therefore we will cover all labor costs of installing the equipment. We have seen how technology has allowed schools in other countries to continue throughout COVID, and we want our children to have that same benefit. No child should have to lose their education due to the pandemic, and we hope this project can be part of the solution to the problem we are seeing in our community.
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